Please consider helping Jefferson Center continue to be the very best place for arts, culture, and community! Donations are vital to our mission. By investing in Jefferson Center’s multi-faceted mission, you can help
Create Extraordinary Experiences!


The Director’s Circle represents donors who generously give $1,000 or more annually to support Jefferson Center’s mission. Recognition runs July 1 through June 30 of each year.
Click the button below to read a past issue of the Director's Circle's insider newsletter "The Session"

For a full listing of Director's Circle benefits, please click here.


July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Anonymous (6)
Alvin  B. Fink Memorial Fund
Dr. Timothy Andriano
John and Andrea Bingham
Peter and Christine Brinckerhoff
Ms. Sharon Burnham and Mr. Joseph Mott
Greg and Donna Brock
Shawn and MJ Carpenter
George and Katherine Clemo
Ms. Meredith Coleman
Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Carl and Brenda Cress
Daniel and Bonnie Culkin
Barbara and Warner Dalhouse
Dr. Kevin F. Ducey and Dr. Minh-Chau Dang
Mr. Thomas Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William Elliot
Trista and William Farrell
Gary and Joanie Firebaugh
Beverley and Shirley Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Ms. Katherine Fralin
Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Fralin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Frantz
Edward and Jeecy Goyette
Mrs. Sandra M. Henson
John and Jean Hitchins, Jr.
Ms. Lucinda Jennings
Robyn and David Johnsen
Anita S. Kablinger
Nathan and Angela Kerr
Heidi Krisch and Jack Loeb
Mr. and Mrs. Stan F. Lanford, Jr.
Anna and Tom Lawson

Dr. Lee and Mrs. Beverly Learman
Todd and Whitney Leeson
Mrs. Laura Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mangus
Teresa and Adam Mastrangelo
Tom and Cindy Mohr
Bryan and Renu Musselwhite
Drs. Michael and Sue Nussbaum
Mollye Otis and Richard Zue
Cyrus and Amber Pace
Michael and Sarah Parker
James and Brenda Pearman
Mr. and  Mrs. William Poe
Malcolm Quigley
Kenneth and Cynthia Ries
Dr. Sue Ellen and Mr. John Rocovich
Pat and Donna Sams
Henry and Cindy Schaefer
Howard and Tracy Shumate
Ms. Verlyne Simmons Key
Mr. Richard Socha-Mower and Dr. Tonia Socha-Mower
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Speck
Lori and Steve Strauss
Maury L. Strauss
Jeff and Terry Stump
Drs. Marc and Cathy Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tenzer
Ms. Marjorie Tenzer
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Thomas
Ms. Suzanne W. Thorniley
Tom and  Mary Evelyn Tielking
Ms. Karen Waldron and Mr. Shawn Ricci
Mr. Edward Walker
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Wine
Scott and Bonny Winter


July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

Anonymous (6)
Alvin B. Fink Memorial Fund
Dr. Timothy Andriano
John and Andrea Bingham
Mrs. Martha Boswell
Peter and Christine Brinckerhoff
Greg and Donna Brock
Ms.  Sharon Burnham and Mr. Joseph Mott
Shawn A. Carpenter
Ceres Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Louise Chagnon
Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford
Barbara and Warner Dalhouse
Mr. Thomas Davis
Dr.  Kevin F. Ducey and Dr. Minh-Chau Dang
Chuck and Linda Eanes
Mr. and Mrs. William Elliot
Trista and William Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Firebaugh
Beverley and Shirley Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Janice Fostek
Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Fralin
Dr. and  Mrs. Paul Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Frantz
Edward and Jeecy Goyette
Cathy and Brad Greenberg
John and Jean Hitchins, Jr.
Ms. Anne Jenkins
Robyn and David Johnsen
Philip  and Leah Katz
Nathan and Angela Kerr
Mr. Jack Loeb and Ms. Heidi F. Krisch
Anna and Tom Lawson
Mr. and  Mrs. Todd and Whitney Leeson
Tony and Gini Lefkowicz

Ann and Michael Levan
Mrs. Laura Logan
Teresa and Adam Mastrangelo
Tom and Cindy Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Musselwhite
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nichols
Drs. Michael and Sue Nussbaum
Cyrus and Amber Pace
James and Brenda Pearman
Mr. and  Mrs. William Poe
Malcolm Quigley
Robert Reuter and Katherine Downs-Reuter
Dr. Sue Ellen and Mr. John Rocovich
Pat and Donna Sams
Henry and Cindy Schaefer
Howard  and Tracy Shumate
Ms. Verlyne Simmons Key
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Socha-Mower
Ms. Lesleigh B. Strauss
Maury L. Strauss
Jeff and Terry Stump
Drs. Marc and Cathy Swanson
Mr. and  Mrs. Joel Tenzer
Ms. Marjorie Tenzer
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Thomas
Ms.  Suzanne W. Thorniley
Alan and Kim Turner
Tom and  Mary Evelyn Tielking
Ms. Karen Waldron and Mr. Shawn Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Wine
Scott  and Bonny Winter
Susan and Allen Wirt


Invest now and enjoy the following benefits for an entire year.
Donor benefits are accessible July 1– June 30.



  • Exclusive access to Virtuoso, our donors-only newsletter



All of the Supporter benefits, plus:

  • Early access to purchase tickets
  • Free ticket replacement
  • Recognition on website
  • Access to pre-concert Donor's Lounge



All of the Solo benefits, plus:

  • Invitation to exclusive Behind the Scenes Tour
  • Recognition in annual report



All of the Duet benefits, plus:

  • Invitation to Patron Appreciation event
  • Recognition in Season Playbill

Members of the Director’s Circle provide leadership level giving that allows Jefferson Center to be a stellar performing arts and cultural center that significantly impacts the community.



All of the Friend benefits, plus:

  • Exclusive access to "The Session", a Bi-Annual Newsletter from the Executive Director
  • Invitation to Director’s Circle Appreciation Event
  • Recognition on Donor Wall
  • 15% discount on facility rental



All of the Bronze Circle benefits, plus:

  • Invitation to Private Reception with Executive Director
  • Complimentary one-time space rental for a private event in L.L. Rice, as available
  • VIP Parking for Jefferson Center Presents Performances upon request (limited availability)



All of the Silver Circle benefits, plus:

  • Two additional guest invitations to all Director’s Circle events



All of the Gold Circle benefits, plus:

  • Cornerstone Society recognition on donor wall
  • Complimentary concessions for all Jefferson Center Presents performances
  • Artist Q&A opportunities based on availability
  • Cocktails with the Executive Director



All of the Platinum Circle benefits, plus:

  • Complimentary tickets to non Jefferson Center Presents performances, as available
  • Exclusive artist meet-and-greet, as available


Special thanks is extended to the following for bringing the Jefferson Center’s mission to life through their generous financial support received July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

The Director’s Circle includes Visionary, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. This circle recognizes the generosity of donors who provide leadership level giving that allows Jefferson Center to consistently present high quality programs and transformative experiences for diverse audiences.

Every effort has been made to ensure that our list of donors is correct. If there are any errors, please accept our sincere apologies and inform our offices at 540.685.2304.


Janice Fostek


Ceres Foundation Inc.
Tom and Mary Evelyn Tielking


Dr. Timothy Andriano
Berkshire Charitable Foundation
Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz
Logan III Charitable Fund
Mrs. Laura Logan
Drs. Michael and Sue Nussbaum
Howard and Tracy Shumate
Maury L. Strauss
Ms. Suzanne W. Thorniley
Elbert H., Evelyn J., Karen H. Waldron Charitable Foundation


Alvin B. Fink Memorial Fund
Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Fralin
Edward and Jeecy Goyette
Robyn and David Johnsen
Tom and Cindy Mohr


Anonymous (3)
John and Andrea Bingham
Mrs. Martha Boswell
Peter and Christine Brinckerhoff
Greg and Donna Brock
Ms. Sharon Burnham and Mr. Joseph Mott
Shawn A. Carpenter
Louise Chagnon
Mr. Thomas Crawford
Barbara and Warner Dalhouse
Mr. Thomas Davis
Dr. Kevin F. Ducey and Dr. Minh-Chau Dang
Chuck and Linda Eanes
Bill and Diane Elliot Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Farrell Foundation
Trista and William Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Firebaugh
Beverley and Shirley Fitzpatrick, Jr.
J. Spencer and Joy Frantz Donor Advised Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Cathy and Brad Greenberg
John and Jean Hitchins, Jr.
IFA Wealth
Ms. Anne Jenkins
The Kaneff Foundation
Philip and Leah Katz
Nathan and Angela Kerr
Ms. Verlyne Simmons Key
Mr. Jack Loeb and Ms. Heidi F. Krisch
Anna and Tom Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Whitney Leeson
Tony and Gini Lefkowicz
Ann and Michael Levan
Teresa and Adam Mastrangelo
Bryan and Renu Musselwhite
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nichols
Cyrus and Amber Pace
James and Brenda Pearman
Mr. and Mrs. William Poe
Malcolm Quigley
Robert Reuter and Katherine Downs-Reuter
Dr. Sue Ellen and Mr. John Rocovich
Pat and Donna Sams
Henry Schaefer Family Foundation
Henry and Cindy Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Socha-Mower
Ms. Lesleigh B. Strauss
Jeff and Terry Stump
Drs. Marc and Cathy Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tenzer
Ms. Marjorie Tenzer
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Thomas
Alan and Kim Turner
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Wine
Scott and Bonny Winter
Susan and Allen Wirt


The Anne Armistead Fund
Ms. Shelia Balderson
Mr. Lewis Bishop and Dr. Rita Bishop
The Blackbaud Giving Fund by its agent, YourCause
Allen and Katherine Boaz
Carl and Brenda Cress
William C. "Jack" and Sandra C. "Sandy" Davis
John and Hoye Duckworth
Mrs. R. W. Gandee
Lowell Inhorn And Cynthia Petzold
Ms. Gayle Keith
Mark and Cynthia Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Learman
Liz and Jason Long
Mr. Harry Montoro
Donald Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rogers
Harry and Penny G. Schwarz Gift Fund
Vanguard Charitable
Fred and Bev Whitley
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Wright
Mr. Walt Young


Anonymous (2)
Jule and Jim Atkinson
Judy F. Bates
George and Barbara Cartledge
Charities Aid Foundation America
George and Katherine Clemo
Dave and Melinda Cohan
Tim and Sue Coleman
John J. Conley
Bill and Connie Corey
Mr. and Mrs. James Crews
Daniel And Bonnie Culkin
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Deyerle
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Ganiel Orban Gregory
Michele and Greg Haley
Mr. Steven Harris
Garrett and Grayson Hollingsworth
Tim and Phyllis Isaacs
Anita Kablinger
Mr. Michael Kalagher
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kemp, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth C. Laughon
Rick Lewis, Jr. and Megan McKewan
Tom Klatka and Ferri Lockhart
Kirk and Sarah Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mangus
Susan McCrea
Becky and Matt McKimmy
Beth O'Connor
Jeanne and Bob Pitner
Mr. Steve Poelzing
Ken and Debby Rattenbury
Churchill and Lee Robison
Scallorns Family Foundation
Ms. Claire Scholz
Joseph Scruton
Jane and John Shoemaker
Bill and Anne Sphar
T. Rowe Price Charitable
Anne Tiffany
Dr. and Mrs. E. Mark Watts
Kyle Wright


Anonymous (9)
Ms. Holly Abbott-Schickler
Sandy Fogel and Alice Ackerman
Janice Albright
Mr. Carlton W. Alcorn
Steven Alderman
Ms. Shannon Anderson
Charles Andrews
RC Ball
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Barker, Jr.
Mr. David Bernard
Mr. Daniel Berry
Ms. Kathy Bibb
Warren Bickel
Ms. Judith Bishop
Mr. Nathaniel Bishop
Ms. Rachel Bowler
Diane Brillheart
Dr. Bruce Brown
Jason Brown
Emily Brown
Mr. Brian Cabbage
Ms. Rebecca Carneal
Kim Carter
Zac and Debbie Cates
Ms. Bonnie W. Chittum
Ms. Janice St. Clair
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke
Dan and Emily Cohen
Ms. Elizabeth Cole
Ms. Meredith Coleman
Chip and Kathleen Conway
Sharon and Craig Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. James Cosby
Martha B. Creasy
Ms. Lillian Cremin
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Crute, Jr.
Ms. Judith S. Curtis
Mr. Russell Danstrom
Ms. Michelle Darby
Mr. Allan Davidson
Stephen Davidson
Richard and Sue DeHaven
Mr. William Delany
Mr. Shawn Delp
Mr. Roger Dickenson
Steven and Teresa Dickerson
Hilda Dickerson
Pierre Dionne
Mr. Charlie Dorsey
Mr. Steve Duiser
Ms. Kendra Edwards
Morris A Elam Limited Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ellis
Verl Emrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans
Francis and Helen Ewald Family Charitable Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Farmer, Jr.
Wlodzimierz Filipczyk
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler
John P. Fishwick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forde
Roger Foutz Jr
John Fralin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Friedlander
Bo and Krista Frith
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garland
Tracy Giles
Jim Newlin and Silvie Granatelli
Ms. Dena Greenway
Charles L. and Laurel L. Greif
Terry N Grimes
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Haley, Jr.
Mr. James Hall
Ms. Judith A. Harrison
Michael Hatcher
Teresa A. Hedrick
Mrs. Sandra M. Henson
Mr. Kenneth Hinds
Ms. Lisa Holland
Jann Holwick
Bruce Houghton and Katy Cates
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Howell
William Huber
Mr. George Hudson
Ms. Martha Irvin
The Evelyn Fishburn James Foundation
Ms. Lisa Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Nicky R. Jamison
Rene and Daniel Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joffe
Ms. Adrienne Johnston
Donald and Joyce Jones
Todd Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Julg
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Kalp
Pod and Patricia Kennedy
Mr. Arthur Keown
Mr. Douglas McDonald and Ms. Margaret Kerfoot
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Key
Christopher Kile
Mr. and Mrs. William Bovee King
Simone Knowles
A. B. and P.D. Kreger
Amy and Richard Kryder
Ms. Leslie Lambert
Ms. Alisha Landry
Mr. Gary Kearfoot Lavender
Nick and Cathy Leitch
Mr. Millard L. Lemon
Ms. Cat Lineberry
Mr. Robert Lippitt
Ms. Donna Littlepage
Eric Litz
David Lovegrove
Jennifer Lovejoy
Mr. Leonard Marcus
Randolph P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. James McAden
Karen and David McCall
Dorry McCorkle
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McCray
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillen
Lydia Lennox McNeary
Mr. Lewis N. Mottern
Janey And Robert Mountcastle
Ms. Christina Nanof
Ms. Katherine Naughton
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Nelson
Ms. Carol Noesner
Mrs. Beth O'Brochta
Mr. Scotty OQuinn
Lee and Susan Osborne
Ms. Melinda Parker
Ms. Lisa Patty
Mr. Everett Peterson
Pledgeling Foundation
Greg and Marci Podlecki
Mary Stewart Putney
Mrs. Tamara Quick
Stephanie Moon Reynolds
Randall R. Rhea, MD
Frankie and David Robbins
Mr. James Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson
Mr. Josh Rodgers
Ms. Linda Rostoker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rotanz
Chuck and Brenda Rowell
Mr. and Mrs. Walton I. Rutherfoord
Mr. And Mrs. Robert Santapaul
Linda Scarborough
Ms. Breanna Scully
Mr. and Mrs. James Seidelmann
Carla Selvey
Mr. Robert Shafer
Meighan Sharp
Sylvia and Paul Shoenfeld
Ann-Margaret Shortt
Bob Sieff
Michelle Sizemore
Mr. Stephen Slattery
Lewis and Terry Smith
Mr. Robert J. Spiers, Jr.
Ms. Lisette Stone
James Stovall
Tim Strawn
Mr. Art Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Swen Thompson
Lana Thompson
Mr. Swen Thompson
Lucas and Isabel Thornton
Mr. Hal Trent
Judy Trimble
Jeff Trussler
Mr. Dale Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Violette
Jenny Waering
Michael Waldvogel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Wendy Warren
Bill and Marta Weis
Ms. Pamela Westgate
Michelle and Andrew Whisnant
Dr. Alice Wilkerson and Mr. Calvin Wilkerson
Mr. Alan Williams
Ms. Regina Williamson
Corky and Lydia Woerner
Mr. and Ms. Barry Wolfe
Mr. Kyle Woodard
Mr. Randall Woodford
Mary Fitzgerald and Sands Woody
Ms. Patricia Workowski
Stacey Wright
Matthew and Angie Young

Frank Caldwell '66

Mr. Glenn Dillon

Class of '69

Ms. Claire Scholz

Lynn Donnary

Mr. Harry Montoro

Helen Ewald, Jefferson High School Class of 1934

Francis and Helen Ewald Family Charitable Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia

Kaye Ferrell

Jenny Waering

John J Goss

Ms. Christina Nanof

Judy Harrison

Ms. Celestia Lawrence

Liz Long

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ellis

Adam Markham

Ken and Linda Burger

CeCe Pace

Caryl Zaronikos

Cyrus Pace

Mr. Lewis Bishop and Dr. Rita Bishop

Kathy Patten

Tiffany Rawling

Janice (Jamison) and Rod Phillips, Class of 1964

Mr. and Mrs. Nicky R. Jamison

Betty Simmers

Greg and Marci Podlecki

Kim Turner

Ann and Michael Levan

Morgan Wade

Ms. Lisa Patty


Class members of 55 that have left us

Mr. Carlton W. Alcorn

Ken Hitchcock

Boxwood Green Homeowners Association

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke

Chip and Kathleen Conway

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Detrick

Mr. John Eikenberry

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Forde

Mr. Jack Frieden

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hale

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joffe

Dr. & Mrs. Larry Kalp

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kauffman

Mr. and Mrs. William Bovee King

Ms. Cat Lineberry

Mr. Douglas McDonald and Ms. Margaret Kerfoot

Ms. Katherine Naughton

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nichols

Ms. Carol Noesner

Ms. Melinda Parker

Ms. Barbara Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. John Purdie, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James Seidelmann

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sprague

Mr. Dale Turk

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Violette

Mr. William Wright

Frank and Dottie Adams

Margaret and Will Lindsey

John Warner Allison

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Julg

Erik Brady

Mr. and  Mrs. George C. Barker, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs.  Robert Rotanz

Barbara Spiers Causey

Mr. Robert J. Spiers, Jr.

The Honorable Beverly T Fitzpatrick

Beverley and Shirley Fitzpatrick, Jr.

Helen Fitzpatrick

Ms. Judith Bishop

Emily Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cheadle

Julie  Colegrove

Bill and Diane Elliot Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Friedlander

Zelma Harris

David Harrison

Sharon Alexie  and Morgan Hicks

Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Hoge

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jamison

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr.

Janey And  Robert Mountcastle

Gayle Petro

Ms. Virginia Savage

Dr. and Mrs. E. Mark Watts

Fred and Bev Whitley

Roger and Carolyn Winborne

Richard Greenberg

Philip and Leah Katz

Major Hill Jr

Phyllis Hill

Danny Hogan

Ms. Jean Williams Durgan

Norma Jennings Fisher, JHS Class of '41

Judy F. Bates

Jeanen D. Lewis

Chris and Gina Keaton

Mac McCorkle

Dorry McCorkle

Evelyn Marie Mitchell

Frankie and David Robbins

Jim Mitchener

Ms. Phyllis Smith

Judy B. Mullins

Mr. William E. Mullins

James (Jim) Edward Orrell

Mr. and Mrs. James Cosby

Carol Tate '64

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Phillips

Frances H. Shaver

Mr. Elliott Shaver

Sheila S. Strauss

Ms. Lesleigh B. Strauss

Jeane H. Swanson and Nancy Wilson

Drs. Marc and Cathy Swanson

James Howard Tate

George and Katherine Clemo

William Thomas Turner

Mr. and Mrs. James Cosby

Eda Wynn

Ms. Regina Williamson


Mr. Carlton W. Alcorn

Mr. Larry G. Basham

Mrs. Sandra Shelor Beck

Mrs. Bertha M. Blake

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Bland

Mr. Kent Blount

Mr. Kenneth M. Brooks

Ms. Bonnie W. Chittum

Mrs. Barbara L. Coleman

Mrs. Shirley S. Day

Richard and Sue DeHaven

Mr. Glenn Dillon

Mrs. Virginia M. Gillispie

Mr. James Levi Glass

Ms. Judith A. Harrison

Frances H. Hawkins

Mr. Rex E. Humrich

Judy Ferguson Jones

Mr. Dick H. Kepley

Mr. Gary Kearfoot Lavender

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovell

Mr. and Mrs. David A. McCray

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McGuire

Mr. Michael Owen

Sharon Mills Songer

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Stone

Mr. and Mrs. Winston Tear

Mrs. Geneva G. Wall

John Wertz

Dr. Alice Wilkerson and Mr. Calvin Wilkerson

Mrs. Linda C. Williamson

2024-2025 SEASON Sponsors & GRANTORS

Extraordinary partnerships create extraordinary performances

Jefferson Center wishes to recognize the 2024-25 Season Sponsors whose generosity and loyalty are making Jefferson Center Presents possible. Corporate sponsorships, private foundations, and grant support allow Jefferson Center to attract world-class artists and offer high-quality performing arts experiences to broad audiences at affordable prices.




Wills are the simplest and most straightforward way to give to a charity you care about at a level that is typically not possible to achieve during a lifetime. Having a will allows you to make a charitable gift that can affect the long-term financial stability of an organization you love, whether that is helping to build endowment, operating funds, or impacting a specific program.  

We have chosen to support Jefferson Center in this way, and we hope that you will be able to consider joining us.  For more information, please contact Jefferson Center’s development office at 540.685.2312. We also encourage you to discuss your options with a tax or estate planning professional who can best advise you based on your circumstances.

Kind regards,


Jefferson Center Legacy Society


Jefferson Center Legacy Society

This society recognizes individuals who have included Jefferson Center in their will or another type of planned gift.

The purpose of the Legacy Society is to:

  • Honor and thank special friends whose thoughtful estate planning will help preserve and maintain the historic landmark and it’s innovative programs
  • Foster interest and pride in advancing the mission of Jefferson Center through planned giving
  • Recognize initiatives supported through planned gifts and the tremendous impact of such giving
  • Celebrate the legacies and extraordinary vision of planned giving donors






If you already have a will, a codicil presents an easy way to include Jefferson Center in your estate plans.  It is not necessary to go through the time and expense of redoing the entire Will.  All it takes is the creation of a brief legal document that is then stored in a safe place with your Will.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the development office using the number below.


Legacy Society Members

Elcy Alford
Harvey Murray Barker '41
Charles and Martha Boswell
Mrs. Virginia H. Clinebell
Barbara Lee Coffey
John D. Copenhaver '29
Barbara and Warner Dalhouse
Norma Lou Davis
William A. and Linda M. Deyerle
Brenda J. Ensor '63
Stephen M. Francis ’43
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz
Edwin G. and Glenna H. Hall
Judy Harrison '66
Ethel S. Holland
Lucille Wilkerson Huddleston
Frances P. Hughes '42
E. Laban Johnson
Sara Johnston
Verlyne Simmons Key
Mr. Henry Ford Kirk
Kenneth C. Laughon
Beverley Jordan Miller
John L. Patterson
Rebecca S. Perdue
Joseph Scruton
George Shute Jr.
Earl G. Skeens, Jr. '49
Madeline Spickard
Dr. Mary Anne C. Stone and Mr. Thomas Stone
Richard N. Thrasher
Janet Whitaker


There are a number of ways to invest in Jefferson Center to help expand the mission and reach. The information below is not exhaustive, but is meant to stimulate further inquiry. We would be pleased to work with you to determine the best way for you to make your investment. We also advise you to consult your financial planner before finalizing any gift.


The most common forms of outright giving are by cash, check, and credit card.  Gifts can be mailed to Jefferson Center,
541 Luck Avenue, Suite 221, Roanoke, VA 24016.  Credit card gifts can also be made online by clicking the DONATE button or over the phone by calling 540.685.2304.


Assets qualified as long-term capital (assets held for at least a year and a day), should be transferred directly to Jefferson Center through a broker. The capital gains tax on appreciation is eliminated, and the current market value of the gift may be deducted as a charitable contribution, up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income. Excess beyond 30 percent can be carried forward for five years.

For the capital gains tax exclusion to apply, a donation must be made before the securities are sold.



A Special Opportunity for Those 70½ Years Old and Older

You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Jefferson Center without having to pay income taxes on the money. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.

Gifts of any value that are $100,000 or less are eligible for this benefit.  This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short.  Beginning in the year you turn 73, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).


A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.  

DAFs are considered the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States. DAFs are administered by a third party, which is called a sponsoring organization.  Examples of such organizations are Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia, Fidelity Charitable, Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding, Schwab Charitable, UBS and Vanguard Charitable—just to name a few. 

If you would like to recommend a gift through your DAF, please have your sponsoring organization make checks payable to: 
Jefferson Center
EIN: 62-1392982
541 Luck Avenue, Suite 221
Roanoke, VA  24018

In order to acknowledge your generous gift, please also ask them to provide your name and/or fund name and address.


Many companies provide matching gift opportunities for their employees. Contact your HR department for more information. Any matching gift forms may be sent to the Jefferson Center development office. Please include your pledge or payment information.

For additional information related to all giving,
contact the Development Office:



Being able to bring world class, Grammy award-winning artists to our stages year after year depends upon a caring community of supporters who value premier performing arts and cultural experiences.

The Encore Club provides the opportunity for supporters to establish an ongoing way to support vital programs and services, such as Jefferson Center Presents and The Harry and Lavon Webb Education Center that features Music Lab, Outreach Out Loud, Jazz Institute and Artist Residencies and Masterclasses.


Helps Keep Ticket Prices Affordable for Our Community


Supports Community Outreach in Youth Organizations


Covers a Year's Tuition for a Music Lab Student


Attracts Award-Winning Performers to Jefferson Center's Stage

Recurring gifts can be established on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.  They are a meaningful way to support the core mission of Jefferson Center, including offering compelling programming and educational experiences that are unparalleled in the Valley.

  • Click HERE to go to our Giving Page
  • Select an amount that is right for you. A manageable monthly gift can add up to a substantial yearly impact.
  • Jefferson Center will charge your credit card based on the frequency you choose. (You tell us when to stop.)
  • You will receive a receipt after every gift and an annual giving summary at the beginning of every year.
  • Sit back, relax, and enjoy the memorable moments your ongoing generosity makes possible.

Encore Club Special Recognition and Benefits Include:

  • Bi-Annual Newsletter Highlighting the Experiences You Have Made Possible
  • Early Access to Ticket Buying Prior to Public On-Sale
  • Annual Recognition in Jefferson Center’s e-newsletter, Annual Report, and Playbill


Anonymous (5)
John and Andrea Bingham
Greg and Donna Brock
Zac and Debbie Cates
John J. Conley
Frank and Linda Dane
Richard and Marty Gooding
Glenna Sullivan Gray
Cathy and Brad Greenberg
Hank and Janet Hanks
James Hartley and Marjie Gowdy
Jann Holwick
Ann and Mike Jones
Chris and Gina Keaton
Nathan and Angela Kerr
Gordon E. Marsh
John McKenna
Ms. Amanda Nelson
Michael and Sarah Parker
Michael and Raquel Peterson
Donald Pierce
Malcolm Quigley
Lynne M. Reece
Marya Rowan
Kim Simpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Socha-Mower
Jeff and Terry Stump
Marilyn and Nick Thomas
Stephen and Wendy Warren